Our program covers three semesters a year: Fall, Spring and Summer sessions (we follow the same schedule as the school term). We have both teen and adult volunteers helping with classes in each semester.
- Summer Classes held during morning hours (due to heat)
- Spring/Fall Classes held during school hours, with classes beginning at ll:30 and then throughout the day.
Volunteers are what makes it possible for us to serve all the students that participate. The minimum age for a volunteer assistant is 13 years through all ages of adults. Young teen volunteers will start in a volunteer development program where they are assisted by experienced volunteers. Volunteer training sessions are held before each semester begins. Volunteers beginning during a semester, observe a class, then work with a team of experienced volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact us for additional information.
Sidewalker: Volunteer that works directly with the students walking beside them while riding. These volunteers ensure that the student stays centered, maintains balance and assists with games.
Game Player: Volunteer that walks next to a sidewalker and is able to assist in retrieving, holding, and playing games with students.
Leader: Volunteer that is experienced with horses, has been in another volunteer position and is responsible for the horse. They will lead the horse around the arena to play the various games while watching to make sure the horse is staying calm and attentive to class.

One of our volunteers working as a sidewalker.